The Next Generation | Deep
Space Nine | Voyager
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- One of his crew tells Gul Jasad of the Cardassian Seventh
Order that the Fourth Order can arrive in a day as reinforcements. - While in the wormhole, three separate close-ups of the monitor in the Rio Grande clearly show a button labeled "47" on the right-hand side. |
- Julian's antidote series for the aphasia virus is labeled
"File 839472-39. - "947" appears three times in the array of numbers in the display. |
The Passenger
Bashir says he's just picking up a ship on long range sensors, bearing "347 mark 08." |
- 47 people living on the moon besides Mollibok had already
left willingly. - Jake and Nog own the fourth piece of land wanted by the Provisional Government for development. And it just happens to be seven tessipates in size. |
The Circle
When Odo consults with a person on Bajor about the Circle, the viewscreen says "Bajoran Regional Comm Network, Routing Code 47-00076." |
Bashir is rather irritated with Garak for coming up with a new idea after searching 7420 files for a misspelling of Rugel's name. |
Rule of Acquisition #47: "Don't trust a man wearing a better suit than your own." (Sound file, 55 K) |
- The planet Parada 4 has 7 moons. - O'Brien asks how big of a lead he has on the runabout chasing him. The computer responds, "Seven minutes, four seconds." - There is a button labeled "47" between two monitors on the Rio Grande. |
Playing God
At one point Dax changes course to "130 mark 47." |
Blood Oath
Kang says he discovered the Albino's hideout 7 years ago on a planet called Dayos 4. |
The Maquis, Part II
- Dukat scares the Xepolite captain by threatening to fire
photons in "15...10...7...4" seconds. - There's a button labeled "947" between the two monitors in Cal Hudson's ship. |
The Wire
Julian and Jadzia look at a display labeled "File 839472-58" while trying to find out what's wrong with Jadzia's plant. |
The Search, Part I
The Defiant (which first appears in this episode) has registry number NX-74205. |
The Search, Part II
At the beginning of the episode, the camera pans across a flickering display with the number 947 on it. |
The House of Quark
O'Brien draws up plans for an arboretum on a datapadd labeled "947." |
Joran Belar was born on stardate 1024.7. |
O'Brien says that the next dimensional shift should occur within the next 47 minutes. |
- Kira's access code is delta-5-4-7. - Reference is made to Cardassian Outpost 47. |
The Romulans are moved to quarters in section 47, level 2. |
Family Business
- On the Promenade, Sisko
begins to tell Bashir and O'Brien, "I'll be in cargo bay..." "Four?"
O'Brien interrupts. "Huh? Seven," Sisko corrects. (Sound file, 55 K) - You need seven strips of latinum to take a turbolift 40 floors at the Ferengi Commerce Authority. |
O'Brien is poised to win his 47th dart game in a row. |
The Adversary
- Dax says there are 47 people on board the Defiant. - The ship's course changes to "015 mark 47." |
The Visitor
Jake writes on a PADD with the number 4747 in the upper left-hand corner. |
Hippocratic Oath
The same PADD appears in Worf's hands with a mug shot on it. |
Little Green Men
- Nog jokes to Jake that they've spent 2,147 hours together
in their spot above the Promenade. - Quark, Rom, Nog and Odo travel back to Roswell, 1947. (Of course, the alleged alien spacecraft sightings in Roswell really did take place in 1947.) |
Our Man Bashir
Sisko's evil holodeck alter ego says there are 74 lasers spread around the surface of the planet. |
- Look close: The number 4347 (as well as 4547, 4747, etc.)
appears on the closeup of Jaresh-Inyo's PADD as he gives Admiral Leyton
control of Earth. - The first shot of Earth we see includes what looks like a transit tunnel in the foreground of the shot. The portion of the tunnel that is onscreen is the junction of sections 47 and 48. |
Paradise Lost
- The same transit tunnel makes three appearances in this
episode: once at the very start of the episode, once in the middle of
the episode after a commercial break, and lastly immediately after the
scene with Sisko and Leyton in the jail cell. - The Red Squad was scheduled to return to base at 1947 PST on the night of the 23rd. - The access code for a classified personnel file viewed by Sisko and Odo is "Leyton-1-omega-4-7," seen at the lower right-hand corner of the display. |
While going over the crime reports with Odo, Kira asks about item 7: Odo explains that it was an incident in which someone was found painting graffiti in section 4. |
Return to Grace
- Time for the first battle drill on Dukat's ship: "Three
forty-seven." - Kira describes a standard-issue Cardassian phase disruptor rifle to Ziyal. It has a 4.7 megajoule power capacity. |
Sons of Mogh
Kira detonates all of the mines in sectors 22-alpha through 47-gamma. |
Akorem left Bajor in the year 9174. |
Hard Time
O'Brien goes into the cargo bay, intending to kill himself. He gets a phaser out of a weapons locker labeled "47 | Weapons Locker." |
Shattered Mirror
The same weapons locker labeled "47 | Weapons Locker" has apparently moved to Ops. Sisko, Kira and O'Brien get phasers out of it before attempting to transport to the mirror universe. |
The Muse
Jake again writes on a PADD with "4747" in the upper left-hand corner. |
To the Death
At the briefing with the senior staff and the Jem'Hadar, Sisko shows everyone "Tactical Scan 147." |
Broken Link
Worf enters a Jefferies tube by hitting a button on a control panel. One of the other buttons is labeled "47." |
Apocalypse Rising
Dax shows the senior staff a graphic labeled Polaron Emitter Prototype X-47. |
...Nor The Battle To The Strong
Jake's PADD 4747 makes another appearance in this episode. He writes on it during the teaser before the opening credits. |
The Assignment
O'Brien looks at a PADD labeled "Station Schematic 4747" while going over the instructions from the alien inhabiting Keiko. |
The Begotten
At the end of the episode, Shakaar and Dr. Mora depart for Bajor on shuttle 4709. |
A Simple Investigation
O'Brien views a picture of a woman in "Queen's Gambit" on a PADD with "Holosuite Program -- 5547" in the upper right corner. |
Blaze of Glory
Sisko overrides the safeties on the engines with access code "Sisko A-4-7-1". |
A Time to Stand
- The admiral shows Sisko the location of the main Dominion
Ketracel-White facility on an asteroid labeled 345-447. - The admiral shows Sisko the Jem'Hadar ship on a panel that was labeled Stellar Cartography 4747 before the picture came up. |
Sacrifice of Angels
A comm announcement orders all Dominion personnel through 4, 7 and 12 to evacuate the station. (Sound file, 81 K) |
You Are Cordially Invited
Stardate for this episode: 51247.5. |
Statistical Probabilities
Bashir shows Captain Sisko a PADD with "Analysis Mode -- 47" in the upper right-hand corner. |
Who Mourns for Morn?
Morn's account in the Bolian Bank is number CJ5-74-36. |
One Little Ship
- Stardate for episode: 51474.2. - The turbolift panel the Rubicon "presses" to activate the lift has a 47 right below the pad it hits. |
Change of Heart
Dax scans the planet in a screen that says Scanning Grid 47110 in the lower right-hand corner. |
In the wardroom, Director Sloan reads from a padd with the number 847 on the back. Later he waves it in Bashir's face in the security cells. |
In The Pale Moonlight
Sisko gets some information on the Romulan Senator on a PADD with the number 4778 in the lower right-hand corner of the display. |
- The Valiant tracks a Dominion battleship traveling at
warp 4.7. - The first officer looks at a display labeled "Fwd Targeting Scanners 4751". |
Image in the Sand
Admiral Ross gives Kira a PADD with information on the Romulan senator; the number 4774 appears on the lower right-hand corner of the display. |
Take Me Out To The Holosuite
Kasidy Yates' number on her baseball uniform is number 47. |
Treachery, Faith and the Great River
The same PADD with 047 on the back appears in Worf's hands as Martok demands to know where his blood wine has gone... |
The Siege of AR-558
In the viewfinder of the binoculars the troops use to scope out the Jem'Hadar, there are a couple of tiny 47s in the numbers flashing quickly back and forth at the bottom. |
Field of Fire
There are 48 Vulcans on the station, so to find the murderer, Ezri and Joran say they will have to eliminate 47 of them. |
Extreme Measures
On the tiny pad next to the just "one more door", O'Brien taps the button labeled 47. |
The Dogs of War
Brunt offers 40 bricks of latinum as a bribe to Quark; Quark counters with 70. |
Next: Voyager
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