The Next Generation | Deep
Space Nine | Voyager
![]() To me, The 47s had to happen when it did or it never would have happened at all. If some show today started putting a particular number all over the place, there'd already be fourteen fansites devoted to it by the end of the first episode and I wouldn't have gotten to be on TV. 47: The Early Years One afternoon I was half-paying attention to a rerun of "Conundrum," in which a crewmember says she just injured herself on Holodeck Program 47-C. It struck a chord. Wasn't there just a computer subroutine C-47 in that other episode...yes, there was, in "A Fistful of Datas." Curious. I got out a legal pad and started to jot down instances of 47 as I watched. The list started to grow. This was before I had Internet access, so over the summer I wrote a
letter to the Q&A column in the Star Trek Communicator. They
printed it in the October/November 1994 issue:
I kept the list going through my senior year. Then I went to college. 47: The Internet Years In January of '96, I got an address for Trek writer/producer Brannon Braga and sent him a letter. He wrote back, and my tickled-pinkness when I got the letter earned me many geek points amongst my dormmates. Around that time, I discovered that Stanford gave every student 6 whole MB of free webspace. I learned a very little bit of HTML, and thus was this site born. 47: The Glory Years Somehow, mostly through my self-aggrandizing posts on various Usenet groups, the site gained popularity. At its height, when "people with websites" were still slightly unusual, I was interviewed on a TV show, and the site was mentioned in a few magazines and books. Meanwhile, DS9 and Voyager were still using 47 liberally, and I was actively updating the list. During freshman year, when I didn't have a TV in my room, I would stake out the dorm lounge Sunday nights, clipboard in hand. More geek points were awarded. But I kept on going! I was also starting to get emails from people all over the world. Some of them submitted some of the 47s you will find in this site. These people contributed to The 47s back in the day and I would like to thank them for their enthusiasm. 47: The Hiatus Years My interest in Star Trek had started flagging during Voyager, and though I stuck it out to the end (completist that I am) I never managed to get into Enterprise. It was time for a break. And so, The 47s languished. Until now! 47: The Return I may no longer be a manic Trekker, but I once was, and I can't deny it. This is for everyone who kindasorta feels the same way. Enjoy. Back: The 47s