> The 47s

The Next Generation | Deep Space Nine | Voyager
The Original Series | Movie 47s | About the 47s

Some of the 47s on this site were submitted by members of the general public. Due thanks to the following people, wherever they may be today:

  • Alessio13
  • Banai Feldstein
  • D. Joseph Creighton
  • Dan Case
  • Darryl Tam
  • Derek Owen
  • Deaiter
  • Drsoran
  • Jens Hassler
  • Jim Ferris
  • Laura Carpenter
  • Larry Stephanie
  • Mary Szabady
  • Nicole Chaperon
  • Phil Farrand
  • Phil Yabut
  • Rick Kuzma
  • Rod Smith
  • Sam Chambers
  • Sara and Mark Johnson
  • Todd Felton
  • Teresa Swords

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